Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Porch, Roof and Electrical Walk Through

Happy New Year to everyone from Oregon! Steady progress on the house includes the porch taking shape, the roof trusses and panels more or less finished and the preliminary electrical walk through completed.

Here's Julia meeting with Richard for the preliminary electrical walk through:

The walk through is to talk about the location and type of light fittings, ceiling fans, electrical sockets and the location of cable sockets and phone line. We are looking to maximise wall space for our artwork and as such we have the opportunity to include directional spots for illuminating particular walls. Here's Julia and our builder Richard discussing some of the details:

Enjoying the view out of the upstairs bathroom window:

The roof trusses and panels are all now close to completion:

Here's a view of the eaves at the front. The edges of the roof deploy plywood rather than the oriented strand board (OSB) used for the rest of the roof and sides because the underside of the eaves will be visible and need to take paint. The eave fascia boards have been installed pre-primed.

Meanwhile, Julia's studio is looking like a really good space. Here's a view towards the front:

And Jon and Mollie enjoying the view from the studio window:

The studio has a couple of cubby holes (above the garage) which will provide Julia with extra storage space for her artwork. Here's one of them. The door will be 2 x 4 ft (smaller than the opening shown).

Beneath the cubby holes here's how the garage currently looks complete with a stubborn little patch of snow left over from the cold snap last year!

And here's some random additional pictures. Firstly the front porch which is starting to look comfy.

Secondly, here's the garage side door ready to be installed with the front door hidden behind it.

And here's Julia discussing photography with Stanley the framer in the dining/sitting room downstairs also showing the view of the living room and fireplace.

That's all for now!


  1. Happy new year to you both plus Molly and happy new home, it looks like a proper house now. I've loved watching it grow. What colour are you going to paint it? And will it have a house name?

  2. We just decided the house colour - watch for new post on that. In terms of house name, no plans on that.
