Saturday, January 11, 2014

Plumbing and Wiring

With the roof now completed, the plumbers, Jeff and Todd, could continue their work along with Roger the electrician who has begun wiring the house. Here's a pile of pipe fittings to be getting on with...

Molly wanted to check out how things were going:

Here's Jeff in action installing the waste pipe from the second bathroom:

And here's Todd and Jeff installing the soaker tub in the master bath:

 The pipework is more complex than I had imagined for a regular bath due to the requirement for a thermostatic mixer valve (TMV). This device blends hot and cold water that supplies the hot faucet so as to reduce the risk of scalding. It is the valve at bottom left of the picture below:

And below shows the bath installed beneath the window. Originally the window was six inches higher, but we had thought it a bit too high so Richard and Gregg suggested we lower it (rather to our surprise)! One of the advantages of frame construction is that these kind of alterations are manageable.

And we now have a window in the second bathroom also. Someone appears to have left it open...

Here's a view from the master bedroom through the wall studs showing both the second bathroom including the bath/shower to the rear, the laundry room to the fore showing the installation for the washing machine and dryer, and the wiring for the master bedroom routed through the wall studs:

Here's the switch box that controls the lighting for Julia's studio:

That's all for now! 

1 comment:

  1. Should there be another persuasive post you can share next time, I’ll be surely waiting for it. sewer replacement
