Wednesday, November 20, 2013

First Floor Framing

Coinciding with the arrival of some sunny weather, Greg and Stanley began the framing for the first floor. The framers are some of the stars of house construction because after what seems like months of nothing going on, except a process of digging big holes in the ground and then filling them in again, suddenly things start to make vertical progress. Now the house is really beginning to look like, well, a house! Here's the view from the front:

We now have a back door and a back window. It's still a bit drafty though.

Here's a view of the kitchen to be from the garage:

And here's a view from inside the garage to be:

I am expecting some rapid progress from here on because Greg and Stanley are really rocking and there are daily deliveries of piles of assorted lumbar. The lumber is coming from Parr Lumber in Albany and it goes without saying that the lumber is from Oregon.

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