Thursday, November 7, 2013

Filling In The Foundations

Now the foundations are complete, a lot of the soil that has been removed during excavating and grading has to be replaced. This is done with quarry rock that comes pre-washed to improve compaction and drainage. The rock is brought in from a local quarry in Kings Valley and we expect to need about twelve truck loads:

First task is to level the ground leading to the garage:

Next the rock can begin to be distributed into the garage area to provide the bedding for the concrete floor. Eventually, the whole area needs to be raised to within three inches of the lip. 

The buried white pipes are the drains from the roof gutters that will route the water round to the back of the house. From there it will have to be pumped back up to the street and into the storm drain in order to prevent excess water getting into the protected oak tree roots at the back of the property. People really care about trees here!

Hhmm that's getting to be quite a rock pile!

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