Saturday, December 7, 2013

Second Floor Construction Halted by Snow

Greg and Stanley have been making good progress on the second floor. Finishing the floor required the installation of a number of heavy duty beams. The one below is the biggest support beam in the house spanning the middle of the garage and measuring 6 inches by 16 inches:

The downstairs is getting quite cozy now that the upstairs floor is being put in place. Here's a view of the kitchen, pantry and closet areas:

Meanwhile upstairs the floor has been completely laid and here's Molly surveying the scene from the top of the stairs and out towards the oak grove to the rear:

In just a couple of days after the floor was in place, Greg and Stan had begun framing the upstairs walls. Here's the section to the west that includes two windows, one for the second bathroom and one for the laundry room:

Here's a view of the back of the house showing the two large windows that will look out from the master bedroom into the oak grove and the single large window that will be in the bathroom above the soaking tub (to be used after those long, hard bike rides in inclement weather). Molly preferred it when she could watch the squirrels without a wall in the way.

Julia's studio is also upstairs and here she is admiring the view from her studio window. The Cascade mountains are visible in the distance above the street light (honestly!).

And then yesterday it snowed heavily halting work on the house. This much snow (about 8 inches) is unusual in Corvallis so we are told. Given temps are not expected to rise out of the mid 20's Fahrenheit over the next few days, don't expect too many blog updates this week!

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