Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Now the Snow Has Gone...

The onset of warmer weather and the melting of the snow means that framing has resumed at a rapid pace. Apparently Greg and Stan were on site last week sweeping snow off the house and attempting to make some progress last Tuesday, but when Greg noticed his van sliding sideways down the hill, he decided discretion was the better part of valour and took the day off. Since then though progress has been rapid.

Here's the view from the front. With all the second floor wall studs now in place, it's starting to look something like a house:

Here's Stanley playing an unlikely Juliet out of the front window of Julia's studio:

The front porch structure is also beginning to take shape. Here's the 18 inch cubed concrete blocks for the outer support posts (nice to see the bottom of the post off the ground):

Here's a view of the two porch support posts out front followed by Greg testing their strength:

With all the studs in place, combined with a number of temporary supporting walls that will be removed once the roof joists are in place, it's pretty confusing to make out the rooms from the photographs, But here we go..
Here's the front (guest) bedroom and window.

Here's the 2nd bathroom upstairs:

Here's the upstairs laundry room:

Here's a view of the master bath and beyond the closet. The window on the left is to the rear of the property and will be above the bath tub:

Here's Julia's upstairs studio. It's quite a big space, particularly once the temporary wall that Stan is constructing is removed. (The temporary wall is to support the roof joists while they are being installed).

Here's the alcove window in Julia's studio:

That's it for now folks.

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