Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Move In Day!

The big day has arrived! The house is complete and it's time to move in. We even have a house number!

But before the movers arrive, let's take a quick tour...
First, the living room:

Then the kitchen:

The master:

The master bath:

The studio:

The second bath:

And the laundry room:

It's all looking very lovely, the van is here, we lucked out with the weather, so let's get the movers into action:

It all took a bit longer than we anticipated, but by 5pm everything was in the house and we were ready to take up residence. Having spent so much time on the property during construction, the house already felt like home as we settled easily amongst the piles of boxes.

And so we have reached the end of the beginning!

Thanks for taking an interest in our house project, I hope you have enjoyed seeing it take shape and I think I can safely speak for Julia that we are delighted with the result. A big Thank You to K3 the builders and I will leave you with two views of the house...

That's all folks...